Hello, surfers and residents of the internet! My name is Abel Diaz, I'm a twenty something Spanglish guy with all sorts of skills and thoughts, just drifting through the universe. Well actually, I'm a young screenwriter with two pence in his pocket, and a head full of wacky ideas for all kinds of tall tales. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is what this saga will be all about:
This blog will be an ongoing diary/archive/workflow portfolio of all things related to the creation and realisation of my titular pet project. Join me as I battle the odds to see a dream project of mine since teenagehood come to life on television screens all around the UK. It's a mystery/adventure series called Very Strange Things, and it's exactly what it sounds like. Imagine a blend of say, Willy Fog, Ducktales or Dogtanian, shows that use the image of anthropormorphised creatures to invite the children into a world of adventure, with the likes of Fringe or the revived Doctor Who, series with a carefully planned story arc and high concepts designed to capture the viewer's imagination and send them on an incredible ride.
Over the course of the coming weeks, months, maybe years even, you'll see news updates concerning developments in the pilot script, meetings, concept art/other art for the show, even little tasters of what the end product may be like. So sit back, relax and let's get rolling!
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