
Saturday, 25 April 2015

'Very Strange Things' - First Read Through coming soon (25/4/15)

So today had a good sit down with Keith and we discussed where things were going, given that there's an indefinite delay on the recording of the audio version of the pilot. On top of some welcome reassurance of the enthusiasm of our chosen performers, as well as a potential back up in the event we cannot gain access to CRC, he also stated he would like the get a first read through of the script with the cast and myself in attendance in the coming month.

Naturally, this is good news, as it will be both fun and very educational for me as a practicing writer to be able to hear my actors perform and maybe experiment with my script, as well as bring us one step closer on the road to this show seeing the light of day in some format. Of course, given the uncertainty of this and the final recording, updates will still remain sporadic unfortunately, but well, that's the nature of the creative arts for you.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

'Very Strange Things' - Apologies and Recording Update (11/4/15)

Hello, hello everyone! Apologies for the lack of updates in near three weeks, but as I did stipulate at the beginning of this blog, there would be dry periods when there wouldn't be much to discuss, given the slow nature of any type of media production when starting out. However, I can now add some clarification:

One of the cast members is presently tending to family affairs, following the operation of a relative, and will not be available to record for a yet unknown time to look after them. Naturally, I extend my best wishes to him and his family, but what this will mean is that the planned April release of the audio recording of the pilot will most likely be delayed until possibly May or even June. Sometime, life can deal a unfair hand at times upon many people, and this is one of those times. Oh well, chip up!